Parish Ministry Review

The Diocesan Resource Team has created a Parish Ministry Review tool. Based on our baptismal promises, this review tool is a way for leadership in the parish to take some time for prayerful reflection and caring conversation about the life, mission, and ministry of the congregation. At the end, the document also includes information about some helpful tools for parishes wishing to explore further.

Parish Ministry Review: A Guide for Parish Leadership

We, the Diocesan Resource Team, are ready and happy to facilitate a review with parish clergy and leaders. By having someone from ‘outside’ the parish system facilitate the review, parish leaders can be present as partners in ministry in the process. Following the review discussion, the facilitator will send to the congregation their notes, impressions, and insights. You do not need to utilize one of us to facilitate, but we want to give you that opportunity and we recommend it.

Please contact Canon Scott Leannah if you are interested in setting up a time for a Resource Team member to facilitate a Parish Ministry Review.