Education for Ministry

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Education for Ministry (EfM) is a four-year course of study in theological bible study and reflection for laypersons. The EfM program is administered through the School of Theology at The University of the South at Sewanee, Tennessee.

Every baptized person is called to ministry. During the Service of Confirmation, we ask God to "Renew in these your servants the covenant you made with them at Baptism." Send them forth in the power of the Spirit to perform the service you set before them." The Education for Ministry (EfM) program provides people with an opportunity to discover how to respond to the call to Christian Service and carry out their ministries.

Laypersons face the difficult and often subtle task of interpreting the richness of the church's faith in a complex and confusing world. They need a theological education which supports their faith and also trains them to express that faith in day-to-day events. As the emphasis on lay ministry has grown, EfM has become an important part of that growth by providing a program that develops an informed and knowledgeable laity.

The fact is that all baptized Christians are called to be active participants in the church's total ministry. The EfM program is preparation for the ministry to which we are called.


One year of EfM consists of 36 sessions that meet weekly and include discussion of assigned readings, shared reflection and meditative worship. Participants enroll one year at a time with no obligation to complete all four years. EfM classes are limited to 12 members and so afford the opportunity for close fellowship as well.
We have two cohorts in the Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee: one class meets in person, and the other meets exclusively on Zoom.

Regardless of where or how the class meets, an EfM group often has participants from several parishes or non-Episcopal churches, giving discussions and reflections an ecumenical flavor. If you already completed EfM, you are welcome to return and re-take any year you wish. If you started EfM at one time but did not complete it, you can usually pick up where you left off.
Please contact us if you would like to participate in EfM this fall or if you have any questions about the program.

Enrollment and Tuition

Enrollment is done directly through the mentor. The fee for one academic cycle is $375 in the Diocese of Milwaukee. Scholarships are available. 


Education for Ministry Website
Diocese of Milwaukee EfM Facebook Page
