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Book Recommendation: Walk in Love

Book Recommendation!

At last year's Episcopal Communicators Conference, I received a copy of Walk in Love: Episcopal Beliefs & Practices by Scott Gunn and Melody Wilson Shobe. I just got around to reading it, and I thought it's a great basic exploration of the Episcopal faith.

I think it'd be great for anyone who is new to the Episcopal Church or anyone teaching Episcopal 101 classes (or the like). The authors walk you through all the basics of Anglican faith and its practices. Learn about the sacraments, the liturgical year, the creeds, the structure and governance of the Episcopal Church, and prayers. They stress that many of the topics presented in the book have been simplified or glossed over just because the scope of the book doesn't allow for deeper exploration. They wrote an overview of all the major tenents.

One thing I really liked about the book is that they really engage with both the Book of Common Prayer and the Bible in such a way to both educate people to the contents of them but also giving them an impetus to keep going back to them for guidance and prayer. It both educates you about Episcopal beliefs and gets you right in there with practicing the practices.

There is also a very thorough recommended reading list at the back of the book. The recommendations are divided into subjects (e.g., general books, baptism. daily office). The list of recommended books is about six pages long, people!

Thanks to Forward Movement for the book.

For more information or to order the book, click here.

~Sara Bitner, Communications Officer

Posted by Sara Bitner
in Events

Join the Good Book Club

What is the Good Book Club?
The Good Book Club is an invitation to all Episcopalians to join in reading Saint Paul’s Letter to the Romans during Epiphany 2019. Episcopalians will start reading Romans on January 7 and read a section every day (except Sundays) through the Epiphany season. In surveys taken before and after the first Good Book Club project in 2018 (reading the Gospel of Luke and the Book of Acts), participants reported growth in their understanding of scripture and a deepening of their prayer life. Perhaps most significantly, the percentage of people who reported reading the Bible on a daily basis increased to 73 percent at the end of the first Good Book Club reading, from 45 percent when it began.

Posted by Sara Bitner

A Christmas Greeting from Bishop Miller

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“You shall be called, ‘Sought Out, A City Not Forsaken’” Isaiah 62:12

Dear Friends in Christ,

We hear these words from the prophet Isaiah as we gather to celebrate the Christ Mass. As people of faith in Jesus Christ, we know that these words were fulfilled in Christ’s Incarnation. All this is the Father’s action of sending his Son into the world to bring us back to himself.

I cannot hear these words without hearing the words of the most ancient Eucharistic prayer in the Book of Common Prayer, “Father you loved the world so much that in the fullness of time you sent your only Son to be our Savior.” They also remind me of that most loved parable which we have misnamed the prodigal son, but I believe (as do others) should be named the forgiving father in remembrance of both sons, the prodigal and his elder brother, who each needed to repent and received the father’s embrace.

What a great and loving God we have, a God who comes to us, who seeks us out and loves us with a love beyond measure.

My prayer is that your Christmas celebrations will remind you how much you are loved by our Loving God.

Blessed Christmas.

The Rt. Rev. Steven A. Miller
Bishop of Milwaukee
