Safe Church Online Training Form

Safe Church Online Training

Please write the name of the city where your parish is located.

What is your role(s)?*

To help us determine which training sessions you need, please select your role or roles. Examples are given below the form.

What is your Role?

Below is a list of identified roles and examples. In the form above, you may choose more than one role.

  • Clergy: bishops, priests, deacons, retired clergy, postulants, seminarians

  • Children’s ministry worker or volunteer: children’s minister, children’s choir director, Sunday school teacher, nursery workers or volunteers, parent helper, youth volunteer

  • Youth ministry worker or volunteer: youth minister, youth choir director, Sunday school teacher, acolyte leader, camp counselor, small group leader, counselor-in-training, youth volunteers, confirmation mentor

  • Elected positions:  treasurer, vestry, wardens, convention deputies/delegates

  • Key holders: altar guild, building hosts, renters

  • Lay leadership: Eucharistic visitors, Stephen ministers, small group leaders, Eucharistic ministers, unpaid church staff

  • Other paid church staff: adult choir/music directors, vergers, sextons, administrators

  • Other youth & children’s ministries:  day camp staff (minors & adults), VBS volunteers, sleepover chaperones, camp staff (minors & adults), adult leaders and volunteers for chartered scouting troops (BSA, GSA, Campfire, etc.)

  • School staff (preschools, daycares, elementary schools, high schools: administrations & staff, teachers, classroom aides & library staff, chaplains (both lay and ordained), athletic staff (coaches, assistants, trainers, etc.), support staff (e.g., cafeteria staff, bus drivers, custodial, security, etc.), employees & volunteers, before & after school care/program staff, parent volunteers, Board of Directors
    Note: These courses are recommended in addition to any trainings required by local regulations.