News & Messages

Message from Bishop Lee on the attacks in Ukraine

Dear Friends in Christ,
In the face of the violence erupting in Ukraine, I ask you to join me in praying for peace and the protection of all who are at risk. This Sunday we will hear once again the story of the Transfiguration of Christ, a story that tells us about the nature of true power, the revealing of God’s glory in Jesus, the unveiling of the love and mercy of God. The power of violent coercion and control will never have the final word — even the cross could not accomplish that. Even death is not the final word. The love of God has already conquered the worst evil that human beings can inflict on one another. All our hope is in the deathless love of God.
Let us pray for peace.
Eternal God, in whose perfect kingdom no sword is drawn but the sword of righteousness, no strength known but the strength of love: So mightily spread abroad your Spirit, that all peoples may be gathered under the banner of the Prince of Peace, as children of one Father; to whom be dominion and glory, now and for ever. Amen. (Book of Common Prayer, p. 815)

The Rt. Rev. Jeffery Lee
Bishop Provisional of the Diocese of Milwaukee

Posted by Bishop Jeff Lee
Tags: prayer, peace

Bishops’ letter to Wisconsin Episcopalians on the trialogue

To the Members of the Dioceses of Eau Claire, Fond du Lac, and Milwaukee
Dear Friends,
Grace and peace to you in the name of our Savior Jesus Christ. We hope most of you have heard by now that the three Episcopal dioceses of Wisconsin have entered conversation about the possibility of returning to our roots and reuniting back into one diocese. In the 21st century, the church faces a changing landscape; our society is becoming increasingly secular and commitment to the church is no longer a given.
One way or another, the church must adapt to better engage the world with the resurrection hope we have in Jesus Christ. What worked in one generation will not automatically work as well in this one and generations to come. Jesus is the same from generation to generation, but how we are organized to faithfully bear witness to the kingdom of God he proclaimed and how we worship the triune God might well change.
At the end of 2020, the Rt. Rev. Jay Lambert of the Diocese of Eau Claire and the Rt. Rev. Steven Miller of the Diocese of Milwaukee both retired, which resulted in two of the three dioceses of Wisconsin being without bishops. That presented what seems like an opportunity to explore the future of the Episcopal Church in Wisconsin. Indeed, we believe the opportunity is providential. Might the Holy Spirit be inviting us to look afresh at being the church in our time? How might our combined assets – financial and human resources – be used to support each of our existing congregations and encourage the beginning of new congregations or communities that might look more or less like church as we know it? Or perhaps even communities of faith that look quite different from the church as we know it today? How might we be better public witnesses and agents of hope in Wisconsin? The time is right to look at these and other questions.
A steering committee has been formed as well as several task forces have been appointed to explore different aspects of a possible reunion. The task forces will be addressing many of the practical aspects of reunion, such as addressing the constitutions and canons, working through all the financial details, and the culture and mission of the Episcopal Church in Wisconsin. Each of those task forces will be soliciting input and participation from members of each diocese.
We will continue to update members of the diocese with information about the process and opportunities for you to participate in this discernment. We are currently building a website hub for you to learn more about and engage in the process. We will share that with you soon.
We urge you to be engaged and participate in this process of discernment. Most especially, we encourage you to pray. Steeping our discernment in prayer will better enable us to hear what the Holy Spirit is calling us to be.
Faithfully in Christ,
The Rt. Rev. Matthew Gunter
Bishop of the Diocese of Fond du Lac
Bishop Provisional of the Diocese of Eau Claire
The Rt. Rev. Jeffery Lee
Bishop Provisional of the Diocese of Milwaukee

PDF of the above letter
La traducción al español está disponible aquí.

Wisconsin Council Of Churches Advises a Return to Physically Distanced Ministry

Earlier today the Wisconsin Council of Churches issued a statement advising churches to temporarily return to remote operations as COVID-19 infections and hospitalizations soar due to the highly-transmissible Omicron variant in Wisconsin.

I commend the recommendations of the council to all of the congregations of this diocese. We know how to take dramatic precautions to keep people safe, so please take these recommendations to heart and do what you believe is the most appropriate for your parish.

In Christ,


The Rt. Rev. Jeff Lee
Bishop Provisional of Milwaukee

Posted by Bishop Jeff Lee

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