Resources for Parish Leaders

Diomil ENews: Updated information is always in the weekly electronic newsletter from the Diocese of Milwaukee. Be sure to sign up for it if you are not receiving it and be sure your vestry members sign up. If you need help signing up, contact Sara Bitner at

Website and Social Media: Sara Bitner, our communications officer, updates the website on a regular basis, so always check there first for the latest information. You can also find updates on our Facebook page and Instagram account.

Alban Institute: The Alban Institute has a great number of resources and information about the church, including information about congregational development, finances, and technology.

Episcopal Church Foundation: The Episcopal Church Foundation offers many resources for vestries, especially the monthly Vestry Papers and the Vestry Resource Guide.

Episcopal News Service: The Episcopal News Service is the official news source for The Episcopal Church and reports on local, national, and international events and ministries.