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Julian Fest 2015 Report

7/10/15 | News | by Barbara Klauber

    Planes, Trains and Automobiles

    That's how Affiliates of the Order of Julian of Norwich arrived, from fifteen states and two Canadian provinces, for the 33rd annual Julian Retreat and JulianFest, held at the Redemptorist Retreat Center in rural Oconomowoc.

    The Rev. Dr. Holly Ratcliffe, ObJN led the retreat, presenting her well-researched thoughts on how Julian's personal history may have led to her face-to-face encounters with the crucified Jesus. We were in silence, except during the Divine Offices and the Eucharist.

    JulianFest began Saturday. Professor David Carlson of Franklin College in Franklin, IN spoke movingly about his research on how monastic orders responded to 9/11 -- a very different response from what we all saw in the media and heard on the streets. Prof. Carlson makes a strong case that only monastic wisdom can bring peace to the world.

    Saturday evening we were treated with entertainment provided by -- what else? -- Julian Affiliates!

    What are Julian Affiliates?

    Julian Affiliates are men and women, Oblates and Associates, who respond to the Holy Spirit's invitation to draw nearer to Jesus. The monks and nuns of the Order are the still point at the center of a worldwide network of lay and ordained people who have chosen to live under a rule of poverty, chastity, obedience and prayer, bringing spiritual renewal to the Church through contemplative witness.

    What draws a person to undertake such a demanding rule of life?

    "At the time of my affiliation, I was wrestling with my faith (or lack of it) in God. I was tired of running from God and sought direction and faith in my life."