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Haiti Project disburses hurricane relief funds

2/9/17 | News | by Barbara Klauber

    Hurricane Relief Funds disbursed by Haiti Project by Heidi Ropa (Haiti Project director)

    "In everything be giving thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus toward you."   1 Thessalonians 5:18 

    This past year, I have been in a position to witness the generosity of people's hearts.   Without knowing their spiritual story, I simply see people's love for God in their response to their neighbors in need.  It is a sacred place to be.

    The Haiti Project ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee acknowledges and thanks the hundreds of donors and many churches who helped raise $112,501.52 in response to significant damage in Jeannette, Haiti from Hurricane Mathew in early October. 


    Here is how your financial gifts were immediately dispersed in October:

    •  the delivery of emergency food aid to the community;

    • A fully-funded school lunch program at a time when many families lost their gardens and fruit trees.

    • Repairs to hurricane damage on the school campus;

    • Emergency roof repairs on several homes.

    • Social assistance loans to teachers to repair their homes and rebuild their lives;

    Here is the enduring legacy of your generosity: 

    • 5 hurricane-proof houses built following higher standards to insure structural integrity 

    • 11 local men are employed by this project and are learning new skills, supervised by an engineer 

    • PROCREEH ERD women's business loans reissued after hurricane loss

    More to come:

    The St. Marc's Hurricane Committee will determine priorities for the remaining hurricane relief funds.  The Haiti Project Steering Committee will consider these priorities as we direct your generous gift.  Thanks be to God!!